Teen Wolf ‘85

Does Teen Wolf 85’ Still Hold Up For Today’s Movie Watcher?

Here are my top ten thoughts while watching:

  1. Michael J Fox would definitely not be a first-string basketball player even for a ragtag team like the Beavers.

  2. The use of homophobic slurs is unacceptable and made it hard to keep watching.

  3. The van surfing scene is classic teen hi jinx but it may be too tame for today’s teen.

  4. The entire party scene would not fly in a post #metoo era.

  5. In addition, the cigarette smoking at the party dates the movie and would have a modern movie viewer confused.

  6. The transformation scene with the mirror is classic Michael J Fox and made me want to rewatch Back to the Future.

  7. The wolf dance scene is wrong and is in the top three worst dance scenes of teen movies ever.

  8. There is an obvious lack of diversity.

  9. In a small scene at the beginning Styles has an interaction with a black student and it had me cringing at how inappropriate it was.

  10. The 80’s fashion had me feeling nostalgic but happy that fashion evolves.

Overall, I think the movie checks off all the tropes of a teen movie in the Eighties and now but the homophobia and sexism would keep me away from watching it with anyone else without a few warnings. 


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