The Sweet Life


Life is pretty sweet even when you’re getting pelted with a bunch of tarts.

Recently, I have been trying to practice more gratitude. Now, before you hit me with the cynicism and the but it’s 2021, and we’re still stuck at home, that’s precisely why I’m shifting my focus. There is so much around to be sour about, but it’s truly rebellious to buck that and focus on the sweet things.

When we do this, we can move toward balance. I’m not saying that everyone can do this, and I might be showing my privilege right now (we all have some), but I can’t help it.

Since November, I have been writing most (it should be every) night in a gratitude journal. I try to write at least one or two pages of things I’m grateful for. Some nights they flow like water from a fire hydrant, and other times, it trickles out like a leaky faucet, but I still put pen to paper. I have noticed a lot of repetition, but I don’t mind it. The act is not to embellish my blessing but to amplify them and recognize that there are at least twenty things to be thankful for, even on my worst days.

How many things can you be thankful for today?


Work in Progress Soundtrack


My Writing Turtle