My Writing Turtle


No writing cave is complete without an animal familiar, muse, or inspiration. For me, the three are rolled into one.

My writing partner and the secret weapon to my writing arsenal is a fourteen-pound wiener dog named Turtle. The aforementioned inspiration is usually right by my side (aka glued to my hip) as I sit and type out the stories swimming about in my head. She’s also with me if I’m reading or doing any activity, really. Full confession, she has gone to the bathroom with me a few times. I think it’s okay since I watch her go do her ‘business” every day too. (At least, she doesn’t pick mine up and place it in a bag.)

Turtle is so named for her caramel and brown coloring. Plus, she’s a little nutty. I got her three years ago, and it was love at first sight. She brings me so much joy, even on days when the words are coming out a lot slower than I would prefer. No matter what, she never judges!

Tell me in the comments below about your pet or writing muse.


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