Give A Hoot

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Owl tell you there’s nothing I like more than a good pun. Actually, that’s not true. I like so many things more than a pun, including an allusion (my real favorite literary device), but I do love an owl.

Last year, my husband and I got to spend time at a bird sanctuary and met this guy. He was a little flirty and kept hooting at me the entire time. I, too, felt a connection but couldn’t reciprocate since my husband was in the room and the trip was for his birthday.

It was the last time we were free to go anywhere without a mask. It’s bittersweet to think about life before the pandemic—a time where I would shake someone’s hand. Full disclosure, I was a hugger back then. Thinking about how loose and fancy-free I was with no regard to the germs I was receiving and passing to others makes me shake my head.

This month I’m hoping to get my vaccine appointment. I don’t think I will ever be the way I was before. But I look forward to a new normal with my mask and hand sanitizer in public spaces giving a hoot about the germs I spread to those around me.

How about you? What are your feelings a year into the pandemic?


Anything for Selenas!


Work in Progress Soundtrack