Visions for A New Year


In the past, I would make New Year’s Resolutions, but after I failed year after year, I became an anti-resolution girl. Like most, I believed it was a hoax created by the greeting card industry (just kidding, that’s Ground Hog’s Day.) But in 2020, I was excited for the new decade, so I jumped on the bus (not literally - I drove) and purchased a handful of random magazines, a small corkboard, various stickers, and glue dots. Then on New Year’s Eve, I lit candles, ate grapes, and made my first vision board. Mind you, I had never set goals before, but cut out words and pictures, anyway.

Now, I know most of you are going to say but the pandemic, and I’m not saying I was immune to the lockdown or have not been homebound for the last 10 months, but even with all those setbacks, I had my most productive writing and most accomplished year of personal growth. And it all was on my vision board!

I did have a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge, and no, I didn’t go to San Francisco this year, but the reason for that particular picture was to go to the RWA conference. And by the magic of Zoom, I attended for the first time. It’s still a win for the board. My other goals around my finances, health, writing, and self-care were met too. The magic of the vision board made me a believer.

Now it’s 2021 and I’m back at it excited to see how the board reflects my vision back to me. Happy New Year!!


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