Let’s Get Social

I love social media. I know it gets a bad rap. Still, as a communications specialist, former assistant marketing director, and someone who no longer lives in her hometown, I find it essential. I also love to learn what people value the most—travel, food, family, causes, pets, etc.

I know there are dangers like comparison, lies spread in a matter of minutes, and a host of other things, but I still say, like most things in life, it’s more good than bad. I, too, have fallen prey to the time suck or down the rabbit hole from page to page to page. What day is it? Who am I? But I also love the joy I feel when I can virtually meet someone’s new baby, attend a wedding without leaving the comfort of my home, see my friend on her dream vacation, and a host of other videos and photos. And yes, I want even to see what Beyonce and Kim K eat for dinner. Thank you very much!

I try to limit my time (harder on some days than others), but I will not give it up completely because I love the connection it gives me to the outside world. Take that, Covid!

If you are as much of a fan as I am, let’s get social! Follow me on Instagram, and I will follow you back. Prepare for a plethora of pics of my pup Turtle, my eats, my current trip outside, and my amazing family.

See you on the inter-webs!


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