My Q1 Kanban Board Is Finally Up!


In July of 2020, I started following indie author Sara Cannon’s Instagram. Many of the authors I followed kept talking about her and attributing their success to her HB90 program. They had pictures of Kanban boards, planners, or their published book. I was intrigued, so I clicked her link and started watching her daily morning coffee chats. After a few days, down the rabbit hole, I went into her youtube channels and Facebook pages. She has a fan site and a writer-focused page for each.

I could go on and on about Sara and her programs, but I have a point, I promise. After following her for several months and doing two-quarters of goal setting (using a Kanban board), and winning my first NaNoWriMo, I rewarded myself with the HB90 program. Part of the program (this is an oversimplification so, follow the link if you want specifics) is to set goals in quarters instead of yearly, then chunk those up into projects and cut them into bite-sized tasks. As a visual reminder of the tasks, she encourages you to create a Kanban board to move the tasks down and see your progress throughout the quarter.

It took me a while to actually get it done (can you say procrastination), but I finally have my board set up, and I’m happy to report I already have tasks completed and move some post-its down.

I plan to do a follow-up blog at the end of the 90 days to see how I fared.

If you want to see more of my progress before the 90 days are up, follow me on Instagram. Not only do I post about my writing, but I also do lots of puppy posts of my dachshund - Turtle, the food I conjure up in my kitchen, my attempts into at-home projects, misadventures into the world, and my amazing family.


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