Reading In Verse


Recently, I read Elizabeth Acevedo’s Clap When You Land, and it reminded me how much I love a book written in verse.

As defined by Wikipedia, “a verse novel is a type of narrative poetry in which a novel-length narrative is told through the medium of poetry rather than prose.” While I can often struggle when tackling poetry, reading a verse novel seems to move and keep me reading. Most of the verse novels I’ve read have been YA. These novels can range from romantic to coming of age and even paranormal. With so few words to use, the writers construct stories that show the reader so much. No matter what, these novels are always masterpieces.

One of my favorite novels written in verse is Sandra Cisneros’ House On Mango Street. I’ve read this book so many times, and each time it’s an experience. One of my favorite authors writing in this style is Lisa Schroeder. Her novels are all so beautifully written. I would love to one day write just like her.

What books or writing styles inspire you? What books make you want to write more and more?


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