My Q2 Vision Board

Vision Board Q2.png

For the second quarter of 2021, I continue to focus on growing as a writer, specifically growing my self-editing skills. The owl pics on the board inspire and encourage me to work hard on the second round of edits for Bad Name for A Witch.

My word for the year for 2021 is Bloom, so I made sure to add some spring flowers to my background. There are pics focused on creativity, self-care, and movement because they help fill my well, which helps me write more.

My main goal for completing my novels is to start querying agents, so I add a picture of my dream agent and a contract to symbolize the one I will sign. I added the covers I designed for my books too. They help to remind me of all that I’ve accomplished so far and how I can achieve anything when I work hard.

The whole idea for creating a quarterly vision board comes from my work with Sarra Cannon’s HB 90 Program. It’s a program for creatives, not just writers, to help create, achieve, and win at all your goals. I started a modified version of the program in the last quarter of 2020 but didn’t take the full course until December. So far, I love using this system.

What goals do you have? How do you manage to achieve them? Let me in the comments below, plus, check back at the end of the quarter to see a detailed list of my accomplishments!


Writing Inspiration


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