Getting Things Ta-Done

I have a confession to make, and it’s may make some of you run for the hills, but I can’t keep this to myself anymore. In the immortal words of 80’s rapper Sir Mix-A-Lot…

I like big lists, and I cannot lie. You others may deny, but when something needs to get done, I take a pen and paper and prepare for some fun. There is nothing I like better than to write it down, son.

Okay, that was probably the worst thing to happen to that song since Glee, but my point is clearly made. I like a To-Do list. I love when I can cross something off because it is Ta-Done. No list is too big or too small. No reason too wrong. Going grocery shopping? Make a list. Camping or vacationing? What should we add to the list? How about Christmas? Definitely the perfect time for a fresh lined sheet of paper, a red and green pen, and a beautifully written list.

I don’t care if my family and friends make fun of me because I know that my list is there for me in the thick of things. When everyone is walking aimlessly through the aisle of (insert store name here), I will be crossing things off and checking them twice.

What is your guilty pleasure? What is your secret passion?


So Far


Anything for Selenas!