Ready. Set. Watch!
Joannie Villegas Joannie Villegas

Ready. Set. Watch!

One of my favorite things to watch on TV is competition shows. It doesn’t matter if it’s finding America’s favorite dancer or Britain’s best baker, I’m ready to pick the one I want to win and watch until the end…

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Reading In Verse
Joannie Villegas Joannie Villegas

Reading In Verse

One of my favorite things to read is a book written in verse…

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Reading Does A Writer Good
Joannie Villegas Joannie Villegas

Reading Does A Writer Good

Today, I’m excited to have reached 30 books read, the halfway point toward my annual goal of 60 books for the year…

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So Far
Joannie Villegas Joannie Villegas

So Far

Even with three novels written. I still feel like I have so much to do…

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Getting Things Ta-Done
Joannie Villegas Joannie Villegas

Getting Things Ta-Done

I like big lists, and I cannot lie. You others may deny, but when something needs to get done, I take a pen and paper and prepare for some fun…

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Anything for Selenas!
Joannie Villegas Joannie Villegas

Anything for Selenas!

My most recent WIP is a middle-grade book inspired by Tejano legend and ultimate shero Selena Quintanilla.

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Give A Hoot
Joannie Villegas Joannie Villegas

Give A Hoot

Last year, my husband and I got to spend time at a bird sanctuary and met this guy.

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Work in Progress Soundtrack
Joannie Villegas Joannie Villegas

Work in Progress Soundtrack

A WIP playlist is essential for my writing process. Lately, I have not been as good about creating them, and I can see the difference in my motivation…

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The Sweet Life
Joannie Villegas Joannie Villegas

The Sweet Life

Life is pretty sweet even when you’re getting pelted with a bunch of tarts…

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My Writing Turtle
Joannie Villegas Joannie Villegas

My Writing Turtle

No writing cave is complete without a spirit animal, muse, or inspiration. For me I have them all rolled into one…

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2021 Reading Goals
Joannie Villegas Joannie Villegas

2021 Reading Goals

This year my reading goal is 60 books which translates into 5 books a month. So far, I’ve read 10 books so I’m on track to achieve my goal.

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Let’s Get Social
Joannie Villegas Joannie Villegas

Let’s Get Social

I love social media. I know it gets a bad rap. Still, as a communications specialist, former assistant marketing director, and someone who no longer lives in her hometown, I find it essential…

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Visions for A New Year
Joannie Villegas Joannie Villegas

Visions for A New Year

In the past, I would make New Year’s Resolutions but after I failed year after year, I became an anti-resolution girl. I believed like most it was a hoax created by the greeting card industry (just kidding that’s Ground Hog’s Day.) But in 2020 …

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